Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Following TRUTH: Who Needs Google When You've Got God?

I begin this post with a question. Have you ever been confused about which path you are supposed to take in life? How to fulfill your dreams? How to distinguish what is not right for you from what is?

People always say, "Follow your heart!" That's the way to find true happiness, right? I would like to recommend something else, keeping in mind that this is strictly my opinion only, based on my life experiences: 
Follow TRUTH.

 Don't just follow your heart, for the heart can deceive. Being the imperfect, hardhearted beings we are, the heart on it's own can change. The mind on it's own can change. Let your heart work together with your mind and the Spirit to discern truth- the truth that God would have you live. (a)

God gives us directions all throughout our lives. He wants us to be continuously seeking Him, rather than asking once for guidance and never asking again. Just because He helps us to feel that one decision is right for where you are at in your life right now doesn't mean that that decision will be right for the rest of your life. You have to continue to ask if it's right. A time may come when you are ready to move on, and when it will no longer be right for you. He wants us to keep moving forward, not simply take a step in the right direction and stay there. What good does that do us? We must keep making steps in the right direction!

Example: Time and time again, I have begun dating someone, feeling that it is the right thing because I feel a prompting that it is right. So I take it and begin to follow that road. But after a while, it doesn't feel quite right anymore and I begin to have other desires (as far as the type of person I want to be in a relationship with). I feel confused at how I can think that God wanted me to date that person because I felt a sure feeling of rightness. But I have come to realize that maybe God guided me to that person not so that I could end up with him forever, but so that I could learn specific things from him that I needed to make me a better person, and then to continue on to better things. I know that sounds harsh, or that I think that I'm too good for those I have dated already, but the same can be said on their sides. I know I have gone out with guys, then shortly afterward they find their wives. So I was the last stepping stone on that particular path for him. Great, glad I could help! Glad we could help each other...

In my case, had I simply followed my heart, I would have had to be stuck with someone I didn't really want to be with for eternity. That's no fun.

People, God is truly amazing. He knows who He wants us to become someday. He knows who WE want us to become someday. I think to myself that who He wants me to be is probably a way better person than who I want to become- at least who I think I want to become. Is this making any sense? I know God has His own plan for my life and how it's all gonna go down. I know that He is right now, at this very moment, planning experiences that will be for my ultimate benefit, good or bad, big or small. My job is to seek His truth.

But where do I find it? For one thing, God has given us the scriptures, such as the Holy Bible, The Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. These sacred books are of such great value in my life, and I can feel a daily dosage of the Spirit every time I read and ponder upon them. We are also incredibly blessed to have a living prophet and twelve apostles on the earth today, just as existed in the times of Jesus Christ. They speak to the world frequently, offering divine guidance and little bits of encouragement that bring me more more peace than anything else I can find on the internet or on the television.

And when all else fails, we can find comfort in knowing that we have access to the ultimate source- our Heavenly Father. I have come to understand that He is the best Father EVER! Seriously. I think of my dad. He loves me so much and I know that he would do anything for me. If I needed him to travel to the end of the world and back for me, I know he wouldn't think twice about doing it. If my dad here on Earth loves me so unconditionally, and he is an imperfect person, how much more does my Father in Heaven, who is infinitely perfect, love me? It's amazing to realize. He is also a true friend. He just wants to hear from us, and He wants to answer our questions.

PRAYER= waaaaay better than Google. 

Just remember, God directs you to certain paths for His own purposes. I recently hear the hymn, "God Moves in a Mysterious Way". To be honest, I was never very interested in this hymn. But this time, some of the lyrics jumped out at me. It was like I'd been asleep in the dark and someone suddenly flipped on the light! I'd like to repeat them for you now:

"The clouds which ye so much dread are big with mercy and shall break in blessings on your head...His purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour. The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower."

I drew a whole lot of comfort from these words. I know they are true. Use your experiences for good. Trust that God has His purposes. Keep making steps in the right direction, and be ready to change direction if- no, when- the storms come. When those dark clouds gather, have patience and know that everything will turn out alright. And always, always, look for the best. (b)

Scripture References:
a. Helaman 12:4
b. 3 Nephi 22:11

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