Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Force for Good

I have been thinking a lot lately about this word:


We all have it. Most of us don't fully realize our own, nor do we live up to it. That's a sad truth, but I believe it can change.

You have no idea  of the enormous potential you have for good! You can turn someone's day completely around with something as simple as a smile! You can help bring someone out of their own gloominess by starting a conversation.

Recently I have been participating in Project 365Aware (See more info at, which was started by a friend of mine to motivate people to reach out to strangers and to make a difference. As I have taken on the challenge of getting to know a stranger every day, I have felt myself begin to feel happier and to hope for a better world- one that hearkens to the past when people actually spoke to each other, rather than texting and tweeting.A world where we can truly trust one another!

Have you ever watched the show from the 90's, "Home Improvement" starring Tim Allen? Remember Wilson, the eccentric neighbor who's all upper face and wisdom? Well, I like to hope we could all have the kind of relationship that Tim and Wilson have- they chat over the fence about family issues, work life, and real problems. Now ask yourself: "Do I even know my neighbor's names, let alone trust them with details about my life?" What would happen if we were to actually build friendships with our neighbors? We sure wouldn't be sitting on the couch in our own house every night, alone, that's for sure.

Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone has a history of experiences behind them that have taught them valuable lessons. Everyone has people in their life that have motivated or inspired them in some way. Everyone has dreams for the future.

Everyone has potential for good. Maybe they just need you to ask them about it for them to truly realize it.

Along the way, you may feel, as I have felt, the overwhelming joy that comes from serving, and becoming closer to your own potential as you help others to reach theirs.

Never forget that you have the the power to do good! Never forget that you can change the world! One person, equipped with a good attitude and a little bit of insane courage, can truly improve everything for the better.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sweetie. I love you! Nicely said, by the way. I love to read your thoughts :)
