For the Foodies

Forget your boring breakfast cereal. Try this yummy twist on the traditional breakfast burrito. It's healthy, too!

The Ingredients: Spring mix lettuce, pico de gallo, about a quarter of an avocado, 2 scrambled eggs,  mexican cheese mix, and a tortilla. (I used a spinach wrap, but I also like to use wheat tortillas.)

Just scramble the eggs and add all the ingredients together! Pile it up high! Seriously, the tortilla only serves to keep it all together. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: This can get a wee bit messy, but that's the fun of it. This is what my plate looked like afterward!

I have been trying to improve my cooking, especially when it comes to whipping up recipes off the top of my head. So far I have had a couple of successes recently. Now, if you have my same taste in food, you may favor cousine that is eclectic, rich, and healthy. You are probably not afraid to try new things. If you are like me in this way, this is the right place for you! These are easy meals to prepare and shop for, and fairly quick to prepare too, I 'll wager!

I must apologize in advance that I do not have any pictures for you! I have been keeping my good camera at the school where I am student teaching. But here's an idea: You try making these at home and send my your pictures so we can add a more visual effect:) It would be greatly appreciated!

Keep in mind that the amounts listed below are a guideline, but you may add as little or as much as you desire according to your taste.

Thick Chicken Noodle Soup


2 chicken breasts, thawed
3 cups vegetable broth (or chicken broth if you prefer, and water may be added)
Any type of noodles, about 2 cups
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon garlic
2 bay leaves
The veggies: Can vary the amounts of each, but I used about 1/2 cup-1 cup of each because I love love love veggies: Carrots, peas, yellow squash, zucchini, mushrooms

The Process

1. Cook noodles until soft and set aside.
2. Dice all veggies and bring to a boil with seasonings for about 30 min.
3. Slice chicken breast and season with garlic and any additional herbs of your choice. In separate frying pan, stir until cooked thoroughly (so there is no pink on the inside).
4. Add chicken and noodles to the broth mixture. Add any more salt and seasonings to taste.

Baked Veggie, Turkey, Mac & Cheese


Noodles (I used spiral quinoa noodles, but regular elbow noodles would be the traditional route)
2 cups shredded cheese (again, I chose to go non-traditional with mozzarella, but cheddar would be delicious, too)
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup butter
8 oz ground turkey
1 cup frozen mixed vegetables
1/2 flour
1 egg
Bread crumbs and pepper to sprinkle on top
Note: I also used Mrs. Dash's Garlic and Herb seasoning, and it worked great so I would definitely recommend it!

The Process

1. Preheat oven to 450 F
2. Boil noodles on low-medium heat until soft.
3. Cook the ground turkey simultaneously in a medium skillet over medium heat. When brown, add the veggies. Try the Mrs. Dash here.
4. Drain the noodles and add butter, milk, and cheese, stirring until all noodles are covered in a saucy mixture. Add turkey and veggiesSet aside and let cool for a few minutes.
5. Butter an 8x8 in (20x20 cm) baking dish.
6.  Fold flour and egg into mixture. Transfer to baking dish. Sprinkle bread crumbs and pepper on top and bake for 10-12 min! Yummy

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