Saturday, October 3, 2015

Everything I Need to Know, I Really DID Learn in Kindergarten.

I started this post when life was a little "cray-cray" and I decided to come back to it now that I am back in the land of the living. Forgive me for being absent for so long, dear readers! Now, without further ado...

I've been in a weird place, stuck between moving on and holding on. I recently graduated with my Bachelor's of Elementary Education, moved in with my mom, and began my career as a fifth-grade teacher. All of this within, like, 10 days. You think I am joking, but I'm not.

With so many things up in the air, I am striving to stick on the sunny side and count my blessings. Number 1: Hello?! I have a job already! How awesome is that? Number 2: I have a myriad of possibilities that lie ahead of me.

There is always hope for the future. Of course, there are so many blessings I could name, but for time and space, I will narrow it down to those two big ones.

Having graduated from college, I have been reflecting a lot on my experience over these six years. Yes, I really was in college for six years. I took two years off to serve a mission, and I don't regret that it set me back a bit, because the stuff I learned while I was out have changed and enriched my life so much. The things I have learned up to this point in my life have turned out to be precisely those things Mrs. Remus tried to teach us on that huge, multi-colored rug back in '93:

Things you learn in Kindergarten (and in Life!):

1. The world is big and you are a part of it.

     Remember to bloom where you are planted. Make a difference where you are, now.

2. Sometimes you can't always have what you want when you want it.

    So, there. Learn to be patient. It is, as they say, a virtue.

3. To make friends, you have to be a friend.

     People don't like to be around people who are gloomy attention-seekers.

4. Sad things happen once in a while, and you are strong enough to cope with them.

    Yes, you really are! You're amazing and strong and powerful, no matter how you may feel at the time.

5. There is so much to learn and do in life, so don't waste your time.

     Focus on the important stuff. Don't be lazy. Get out and experience it all.

6. Play is an essential part of your growth, inside and out.

   Do what you love and life will treat you well!

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