Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Getting Out of a Rut

Roald Dahl is awesome. Let me just begin by saying that. We just finished reading a book of his with my third-graders today. Anyway. I want to write this post for anyone who feels stuck, or in a rut, like your life isn't getting anywhere. Maybe you feel hopeless about the future. I certainly have felt that way before. Here's my key piece of advice for you if you are in this boat:


Don't be stagnant. 

Find your passion, and go after it. That's what has brought me the greatest happiness in my life. This past spring I went through a breakup, and as I thought back over the duration of the relationship, I realized that I had hardly taken any of that time to develop my own talents. I had not taken time out for myself and, in a way, I forgot who I really was because I was not doing everything I loved. Over the summer I moved in with my mom, and broke out all my old art supplies. I started drawing again, and painting, and I felt SO GOOD! Finally, I was doing what I loved again and improving myself, both inside and out. This was great therapy for me. 

Get out and SERVE!

I feel happier when I am doing things with my life, when I am searching for ways to serve and help others. Do not ever get too focused on your own life and forget about everyone else. That is precisely what makes you feel lonely!

When I feel like my life is going nowhere, it's usually because it is! So I get out of my apartment, I find a spot on campus to read or do homework. Or I develop my talents. I listen to good, uplifting music
Forget about yourself. When you make an effort to at least talk to those around you, you will be surprised at the things you can learn from them.

Most importantly, LIVE THE GOSPEL! This is happiness. Enroll in an institute or seminary class. Research a gospel subject you've always had questions about. Watch Mormon Messages on YouTube. And do not forget about Christ! Not even for a moment. Try to keep him on your mind, and you will always end up behaving as you would if he were right there beside you. When you do what he would do, you will naturally feel happy.

Think good thoughts! Again, Roal Dahl said it best.

Remember, God can't steer a parked car! Wherever you are trying to go, you just need to start going somewhere. You will be directed to the right path as you show your faith by moving forward. And that's a promise I can make based on my own experience. 

Above all, never forget to keep smiling. :)

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