Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Pledge

Yes, I am actually starting a blog. After all, it's the thing to do these days! I have thought of so many specific things I would like to blog about, but I didn't feel comfortable settling on just one. So, I have decided to create a general blog about my life, my musings, my talents, my struggles, my attempts at success, blah blah blah.

 I have decided name my blog The Sunshine Diaries. Firstly, because I had a great friend who called me sunshine:) Secondly, because in a world that is becoming ever darker, more sinister, cynical, and depressing, I like to find the good things, the "rays of sunshine". Every cloud truly does have a silver lining, and my faith in God sustains me through so many dark times in my life, even given me my own little piece of sunshine when everything else seems cloudy and dismal. I am starting my last semester of college on Monday (that's two days away- oh my gosh!) and for me, it's all student teaching from here.
So, I would like to make a pledge to myself and to the world as I step closer toward a new phase of life:

I pledge:

... to always look on the sunny side of life. Look for the positives!
... to BE a ray of sunshine in others' lives when they are in need of comfort.
... to love myself and treat myself with respect.
... to trust in God and let Him light my path.

Thanks for checking out my blog! Please leave a comment if you would like to take the Sunshine pledge with me!


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